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Why You Should Hire Me

It can be easy to lose sight of one’s values, when surrounded by a culture that doesn’t share them. Living in the SF Bay Area, I’ve met a lot of hyper-ambitious people with visions of the changing the world, who live and breathe their missions. It’s impressive and inspiring, and I have nothing but respect for them – but it’s not who I am. I began to try to mold myself into one, to sell myself as one, but lately I’ve been reflecting that I felt unnaturally contorted, and it showed in the half-heartedness of my efforts. I wrote this essay for myself, to clarify my values so I can fully align my actions behind them. Now, I’m publishing it to share that clear, honest picture with you. ...

February 12, 2025 · (last updated March 18, 2025)

You Are Immortal

I have become increasingly convinced that you, dear reader, will never actually die. What could I mean by this, you ask? In this essay, I’ll explain how our modern understanding of physics might give rise to immortality, and explore some practical and philosophical considerations of immortality. Multiverse In the history of science, we have often found that the world is not as it seems. Although the Earth appears flat to the senses, measurements tell us it is round. While the course charted by the sun and stars is plain to see, we know now that it is we who move as the heavens stand still. More recently, Einstein showed us that time and space are not the unchanging stage we intuit, but bend with the events of the universe. The case I’m about to present relies on the dissolution by science of one more illusion: that the universe follows only one true storyline. ...

December 10, 2024 · (last updated December 11, 2024)

Manifesting a Trading Career

I’ve been intrigued by the world of quantitative trading for many years, so when ex-Jane Street trader Ricki Heicklen ran a trading bootcamp at Manifest recently, I jumped at the opportunity! The bootcamp was a two-day intensive program designed to teach the fundamentals of quantitative trading and provide a glimpse into the experience of being a professional trader. Using a play currency, we went through various hands-on exercises to solidify concepts taught in energetically-delivered lectures. I learned a lot and made friends, and had so much fun that I’m considering a career pivot to quant trading. So, this post has two purposes: to give interested readers some background in trading concepts and a sense of my bootcamp experience, and to serve as a proof of work showing potential employers what I learned. ...

July 17, 2024 · (last updated October 7, 2024)

School Mindset

In my life, I have spent three years working full-time as a software engineer. Before that, I spent almost twenty as a student in formal education. My education prepared me in many ways for my life and career, and on the whole has been a great advantage. However, the structure of formal education taught me a pattern of thinking that I realized has held me back as a professional. In this post, I’ll examine this pattern, which I name “school mindset”, and how it can be a hindrance in the professional world. I’ll delve into my personal experiences and offer my insights on how to transition from a school mindset to a more effective professional mindset. ...

October 16, 2023 · (last updated May 9, 2024)

Adding Sidenotes

Inspired by some other blogs I like, I decided I wanted to add hovering previews to the footnotes on my own site1. This turned out to be surprisingly complex! First, I asked ChatGPT for a simple plug-and-play solution. When it didn’t have one and the code it suggested didn’t work, I turned to Manicode. Sadly for me, Manicode also struggled; despite several iterations of prompting and troubleshooting, Manicode couldn’t find a solution that worked. I was going to have to dive into the issue myself. ...

October 7, 2024 · (last updated March 13, 2025)

My Tips For Fried Rice

I’ve been making fried rice for several years, and it’s gotten a lot better since I started. Here are my tips for a delicious fried rice. 1. Use a Wok: The high edges of a wok make vigorous stirring easier and reducing spillage. 2. High Heat: In Asian kitchens, chefs use special high-heat burners for cooking, so use the maximum heat on your home stove. 3. Lots of Butter: Butter gives a better flavor than oil, as well as keeping the wok greased. Add butter before most ingredients and more whenever you feel like it. ...

December 31, 2023 · (last updated January 15, 2024)

How I Made This Blog

This blog is built with Hugo and hosted on Netlify (free tier). I also bought the domain name from Netlify for $13, the only monetary expense in the process. I’m using Abricotine to write this post.

July 1, 2023 · (last updated January 11, 2024)